10 Best China Laser Marking Machine

china laser marking machine

Laser marking machines enable non-contact and high-quality laser marking of fast-moving products. The wattage, characteristics, and parameters of each machine are different. Finding a suitable laser marking machine is easy if you are a professional. There are many professional China laser marking machine manufacturers. Each company tries to produce high-quality laser markers under such a…

Difference Between Laser Cleaning And Plasma Cleaning

laser cleaning

Surface cleaning techniques like plasma or laser cleaning are performed to prepare surfaces for coating, welding, and adhesive bonding. Plasma cleaning uses an ionization gas called plasma, whereas laser ablation uses the force of light to remove impurities. Understanding the difference between laser and plasma cleaning can be challenging for many manufacturers. Overall, both are…

Top Best Laser Cleaning Machines

laser rust cleaning machine

Are you still worrying about rusty workpieces? Are you still helpless about the paint on the surface of the equipment? Are you still having a headache because of oxidative dullness that cannot be removed? If you encounter the above problems, a professional cleaning laser machine can solve these problems. As a professional laser cleaning machine…

How Does Laser Cleaning Work?

Laser cleaning is the process of removing contaminants from a material’s surface. Also, laser surface cleaning involves using laser irradiation to eliminate impurities. During this process, the dirt particles change to gas or get off the surface. Therefore, if you are looking for targeted cleaning of your workpiece, then laser cleaning is what you should…